Thursday, September 3, 2015

September is Here....and that is a good thing

Each year I count down until we turn the calendar to September.  For me, September is the beginning of the "good" season.  I love to see the trees change, the weather get cooler, different foods to be in season and let's just face it, for college football to start.
I love to watch really all football, if it is a good game, but my heart belongs to the Nebraska Cornhuskers.
I grew up in Nebraska and have watched football all my life.  When I was growing up, however, they were a much different team than they are now.  They changed, but haven't we call.  I didn't used to really like watching their games, the won all the time.  EXCEPT for the big game at the end of the season.  The games were BORING!!  The rolled over other teams and it wasn't worth it to watch.  I generally referred to the third quarter as nap quarter.  However, the Huskers as of late do not have the record of those days.  They actually lose during the season.  There was actually a season a while back where it was a good thing we had a kicker (not that you can play without a kicker, but you know what I mean).  Our kicker seemed to be the only one scoring....those Callahan years were hard!

Saturday, we start another new season and if you will another new era in Husker football.  Coach Mike Riley is now leading the Huskers.  I do not have any feelings about him, good or bad.  While I am excited to watch the game, right now I feel kind of vanilla. 
I liked Coach Pelini.  I know that others didn't, for various reasons.  I liked the man, he was on FIRE!!  No, not with wins, but with passion it seemed. 

I don't want to go back to watching games where you always know the outcome.  I like games with uncertainty.  I like games where it is close.  I like games where no one has to play dirty to win it is just a rough game. 

I guess we will see how this Husker season plays out.  I hope for them to win each game, but that they have to play with heart and skill.  I hope they are ready.  I am ready to watch.

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