Thursday, April 9, 2015

It's Wednesday, but really Friday

One of the things that has greatly changed in my life since I last blogged, is that I am no longer work focused all the time.  BK or before kiddo, I was pretty much defined by my work.  It seems sick now.  I knew I had this problem, but I didn't do much about it.  I did and still do enjoy work. However, now it is much less an "all the time" concern of mine.
The change really happened when I started working where I work now.  I was honest with my qualifications (as you always should be), desires for schedule, etc.  I pretty much have been very up front and brutally honest from the get-go on what I wanted and what I would give.  This has actually paid off for me.
Before I went on maternity leave, I had everything squared away with directions, etc to make my absence easier on everyone.  Then I told my employer that I didn't want to come back to work as a salaried employee.  I told him that I wanted to to the majority of my work from home.  I also explained the benefits of this to him.  Ten months later and it is working pretty well.
To get to this point in my life, I think I had to be really honest with myself, my skills/abilities and also be ok with losing my job and having to start over. For some reason, when I put it all out there it worked.
I now work in the office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and work from home the rest of the time.  My hours at home are not set.  I work as needed to get my job done. Some days at home are harrier than others.  Some days work needs me more and other days kiddo needs me more.  I feel like I have a good balance, most of the time. 
Working just two days of the week in the office has its advantages and disadvantages.
  •  it is just 2 days
  • I get to spend most of my work week with my kiddo! 
  • kiddo in daycare for just two days-gets her socialization
  • interaction with adults without everything being about kiddo 
  • little bit of money
  • out of the house (some days this is just what I need)
  • use of equipment I just don't have at home
  • the biggest is is the pumping!!! I am still nursing and I HATE pumping
  • being away from my girl, I do miss her
  • the in office days tend to cause me stress
  • some of my work from home days end up being a little overwhelming when there is a "crisis" at work, or if my girl is especially needy and I am needed at work
  • no benefits, so if I want to take time off I don't just don't get paid

I could keep listing and listing, but I will stop. I love this change to my life and really my being.  There are more important things in life than your work, and this is for people with or without kids. I wish I had been less conservative with work since I started after college.  I wish that I was naturally more laid back about work.  I know that being so intense about it may have gotten me something at the time, but I feel so much more relaxed about it that I don't know how I operated before. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The 100 Day Project

It has obviously been a long time since my first AND only post on this blog.  I actually started this blog before finding out I was pregnant. I had big ideas of blogging again.  I have had 2 other regular blogs, both went strong for awhile, but I eventually abandoned and deleted (something I now regret). At the time of starting this blog, I was wanting to write again.  I didn't make it very pretty, I just wanted to share.  I had joined a group to really focus on a goal and writing was my goal.  My favorite medium was blogging.  Then I went and got knocked  I love to say it that way.

Now that pregnancy is a baby. I did write a journal about being pregnant.  I was ready to join the likes of others who write books about being pregnant, but then I got tired and not so witty.  I was going to write about being a mom and a part-time employee and balance.  I actually might still do all of these things.

Now, why should I blog again?  Well, honestly I miss it.  I miss posting pictures.  I miss sharing new recipes I try and/or create.  I miss sharing.  I miss connecting. When I saw on another blogger's site that she was participating in The 100 Days Project, I became intrigued.  However, true to my MO, I could not decide on something I could commit to for 100 Days.  ARGH, such is my life! I like so many things, I want to try so many things.....I have a 10 month old at the start of the project and it is hard for me to commit to any ONE thing.  I will though commit to doing something for me each day.  This "me" thing could come in many forms: cooking something out of the ordinary, which means something extra or something new; making something, this could be any many forms; exercise, I love to exercise, but find I am not all that focused on it; do something different, this could be visit somewhere new, try a new book, read/research something I don't know about, basically EXPLORE.

I am going to be posting photos over on instagram if you want to follow along... @HEATHERJENKINS12

I am also going to work on this blog. Hey is it something new!
The 100 Days start April 6 and goes through July 14th.